Thinking of buying a home, you have a little saved, but you still need help for a down payment? Or maybe you already own a home, just need more space, and you don’t feel you have enough equity in your current property to achieve the objectives for the purchase of a larger home? This solution is as unique as its name and helps consumers overcome these hurdle by putting the purchasing power in your hand…where it belongs.
A home that meets your needs is chosen, purchased and renovated by ReUp, and the new equity created becomes your down payment! Powered by a cutting edge technology tool called BASE, a “digital twin” is created and you can mix-and-match your colors and finishes on a computer screen until you’re satisfied. With this exclusive program, you’re able to buy the home of your dreams, in the area where you want to live, at a price you can afford. The best part is that your beautiful new home, with your custom finishes, creates the new equity which becomes the required down payment!
Fill out the form for a no-obligation consultation to learn if this solution can answer some of the down payment challenges you’ve been facing.